Making Virtual Classes Work for Your Little One

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Don't rule out virtual classes!

Here are some great tips to help your child thrive in online classes:

  1. Dress up! Whether you help your dancer put on a leotard and tights or you splurge on a tutu and tiara, dressing up for virtual dance class will help your child get into the right mind set for class.

  2. Set the stage! Create a space without a lot of distractions and with enough room to move. Don't worry - we know you can't repurpose your house to revolve around dance class, and it's really not necessary. Creating the space can be as simple as avoiding high traffic areas for class time. Try moving your dancer to a dining room or extra bedroom without a lot of toys and away from the hustle and bustle. And where space is limited, make a game of it! Stuffed animals make an excellent audience!

  3. Get excited! Your little one will approach their class with the same energy that you model for them. If you are worried or convinced it's not going to work, your child will follow your lead. If you're excited, they will be too!

  4. Play along! While this isn't always possible, if you can take a few minutes to make dancing a bonding experience, your child will be thrilled to spend time learning alongside you. You don't have to do everything or dance the whole time, but supporting your child and cheering them on will bolster their confidence and love of movement.

  5. Reward! Remember that our littlest dancers are learning as much about how to take a class as they are about movement. Don't get bogged down in whether your child is replicating the teacher with perfect form, instead reward the effort. Every child will improve at a different rate, but if you reward the effort put into paying attention and working hard, your child will be excited to continue. Rewards can be a sticker on the hand, an extra story at bedtime, a trip to the park, whatever gets your child excited is the best reward!

Jennifer LawrenceComment